
KS Projekt changes its name and thereby strengthens its position on the market

Press release

Stockholm, 2023-05-23

KS Projekt today announces an exciting change in its corporate identity. As part of a strategic transformation within the group, the company has decided to change its name from KS Projekt to Norco Interior. The name change aims to clarify and strengthen the company's position within interior solutions for the retail trade and at the same time unite under a common brand within the Norco group.

"This change shows that we have grown as a company and that we are dedicated to delivering a high quality of our services and interior design solutions"

Ove Opseth, CEO Norco Interior Group

Norco Interior (formerly KS Projekt) is a prominent player in interior design for retail environments and known for its quality deliveries and creative solutions. The company's name change marks an important milestone in Norco Interior Group's consolidation strategy and aims to clarify and strengthen the company's position in the market.

Norco Interior Group has long been a recognized group in interior design and retail environments, with a broad portfolio of brands that have established strong relationships with customers across Northern Europe. In the past, the companies within the group have acted under different names in different markets. By unifying these brands under the unified name of Norco Interior, the group aims to achieve a more unified and coherent brand identity that demonstrates their collective expertise and strength.

"We choose to change the name and logo to create a stronger connection between all companies in the Norco Interior Group. It strengthens the connection to our production units in wood and metal, which are important for meeting our own and our customers' environmental and sustainability goals in the future."

Ove Opseth, CEO Norco Interior Group

The company will continue to offer its customers and other partners quality, design and customer service, while benefiting from Norco Interior Group's broad experience and resources. In connection with the name change, Norco Interior is launching a new website and changing its logo to reinforce its new identity.

By uniting the group's brands under the name Norco Interior, it will be easier for customers to understand the group's wide range of products and services, which will also strengthen Norco Interior as a trusted partner in interior design and retail environments.

Norco Interior will continue business as usual going forward. The only change for existing customers and partners is the new company name and the stronger connection to Norco Interior Group.

Contact details

For more information or questions, contact CEO Ove Opseth, +46 705 897 618, ove@norcointerior.se or press officer Henrik Janzen, henrik@norcointerior.com.


About Norco Interior Group

Norco was established in 1956 in Norway and was one of the first suppliers to deliver modular shop fittings. The company grew quickly and established its own design department and then started its first factory in Poland in 1992. The group today has sales companies in Sweden, Norway and Poland, as well as two own production units in Poland.


Norco Interior Group (formerly Norcospectra Group) is the result of a merger of three companies, Norco from Norway, Spectra Collection and KS Projekt from Sweden. Since 2014, an integration of the three companies has been underway, which resulted in the launch of the joint name Norcospectra, which is now changing its name to Norco Interior Group. Since 2022, Norco Interior Group is owned by Accent Equity.